Foot Dermatology
Many skin conditions can occur on the feet, some from other conditions else where in the body and others from specific to the foot. This foot dermatology section is designed to help in diagnosis and common skin treatment solutions. Some foot dermatology conditions can mimic other conditions, some of these conditions can result in amputation and even death. As a rule of thumb, if a skin condition is changing it needs to be evaluated by a medical professional.
- Foot Wounds
- Plantar Warts
- Nail Fungus (onychomycosis)
- Painful Toe Corn
- Painful Calluses
- Porokeratosis
- Ingrown Toenails
- Foot Rashes
- Day one presentation
- 2 months later
- 6 months later
- Superficial White Onychomycosis on the 4th and moderate on the 3rd
- Very Severe Onychomycosis
- Severe Onychomycosis
- Soft corn
- Corn on arthritic Joint
- Before Debridement (trimming) of the corn
Totally Feet Online Foot Supply Store
Totally Feet now has an online store for all of our customers and information seekers. We only sell podiatrist approved products that really do work, We give details on why, what, when, and where to use each of our products so you can help your self in many cases, Visit Totally Feet’s Online Store.