Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Denver CO

Do your feet feet like this???
Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a condition in which the nerves in the extremities deteriorate and no longer function properly. PN is a slow progressive disease characterized by certain sensations that may or may not occur through the progression of the disease in all individuals.Totally Feet is the best choice for Neuropathy Treatment Denver & all over Colorado.

Typically, peripheral neuropathy starts with burning, tingling, or pins and needles sensations in the extremities. These sensations are often described as being similar to the sensation of an arm falling asleep. In some individuals a period of hypersensitivity or overly stimulated nerves can occur early in development. In other individuals this stage is completely lacking and there is a complete loss of sensation or numbness that slowly and unnoticeably sets in. This can occur in any of the extremities, however, the feet are the most common place. Peripheral neuropathy almost always presents in symmetrical pattern while sciatica is not. There are many causes of peripheral neuropathy here are some of the more common conditions leading to the onset of peripheral neuropathy:
- Heavy metal poisoning
- Diabetes
- Fibromyalgia
- Trauma
- Medications
- Vitamin B complex deficiencies
- Genetic diseases
Isolating the causative factor can be very difficult and in many cases impossible. Blood test and nerve conduction tests can help point in the right direction by ruling out some etiologies and identifying others.
Complete loss of sensation or numbness can be extremely dangerous due to the lack of protective sensation. Protective sensation characterized by the ability to identify pain associated with irritation, trauma, or infection. This can be tested easily at any podiatrist office with the use of a specialized plastic monofilament called the Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament.